- Association for Computing
Machinery (Student Chapter) - Biology Club
- Bucks Business Association
- ChemClub
- First Generation
- Future Teachers Organization (FTO)
- Kinesiology & Sports Studies Club (KISS)
- Nursing Club
- Pre-dental Club
- Psychology Club
- Society of Bucks Engineers
- Teachers of Tomorrow
- Women in STEM
Student Organizations

Get involved here at Bucks!
We encourage all students to join at least one student organization while they’re with us, and we have plenty to choose from and more regularly being added. Student Organizations are an excellent way to gain leadership skills, make friends, build self-confidence, learn new concepts, make a difference in your community, and help you boost your resume. Note: You must be registered for at least one credit in order to join a student organization. An organization must have submitted a constitution and be officially approved and recognized by the Student Government Association prior to requesting and utilizing college facilities for activity purposes.
You can also use the Bucks+ app to see a full list and join a student organization! Be sure to download the app to see what organizations we have, learn how to join, and find out when the next meetings are happening. Members can join at any time. You can also join an organization by stopping by the Student Life Office or emailing studentlife@bucks.edu.
Arts & Media
- BC3 Anime Club
- BC3 Music Society
- BC3D Sculpture Club
- Centurion Newspaper
- Ceramics Club
- Dance Club
- Drama Club
- Film & Multimedia Club
- Glass Arts Society of Bucks
- Printmaking Club
- Radio BUX
- Tyler Literary Society
- College Democrats
- College Republicans
- Habitat for Humanity
- Peyton Heart Project Club
- Social Justice Club
- Veterans Club
- Black Student Union
- Disability Pride
- International Student Association (ISA)
- Multicultural Club
- Open Door Club (LGBTQ+)
Honors Organizations/Studies
- Delta Psi Omega
- Honors@Bucks Club*
- Kappa Beta Delta (KBD)
- Lambda Nu Honor Society
- National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS)
- Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)
*This club supports the Honors@Bucks academic program of study.
- Bucks Gardening Club
- Chess Club
- Cosplay Club
- Dungeons & Dragons
- Epic Poker Club
- Field & Stream Club
- Freestyle Fellowship
- Gaming Club
- Game Development Club
- Keeping It Reel
Faith Focused
- Catholic Student Association
- Hillel Club
- InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
- Muslim Student Association
Student Leadership
- Bucks United in Leadership & Diversity @ Epstein Campus (BUILD@EC)
- Student Government Association (SGA)
- Student Programming Board (SPB)
- Students Planning Activities (SPA)