Student Government Association
- To represent the student body in all dealings with the Board of Trustees, the administration, faculty organizations, and the public. To promote maximum effective participation by students on college committees in the college governance structure.
- To receive, consider, and as appropriate, act on expressions of concern by students about college policies or practices.
- To gather and disseminate to the student body information not otherwise available that will be helpful to students in making the most effective use of their time at Bucks County Community College.
- To administer the Student Activities Fee in the best interest of the student body.
- To oversee and assist in the development, and the activities, of student clubs and organizations.
- To facilitate an on-campus program of social and recreational activities by financing the student programming groups at each campus for students.

Executive Board Meetings
Student Government Executive Board Meetings are held at the discretion of the SGA President and are held in the Student Government Office and Zoom. These closed meetings are for the Executive Board to discuss important issues and concerns and prepare for the full Student Government Association Board meeting on the following Tuesday (subject to change).
Full Board Meetings
These meetings are held every Tuesday (subject to change) during the Fall and Spring semester and are open to the public. Location: Rollins Student Center, and Zoom. ALL meetings will be broadcast via the web (Zoom) and recorded and posted for the student body. Dates and location will be posted in My Bucks and Bucks +.
2023-2024 SGA Officers
Lateefat Adewale
Elena Solovyeva
Vice President
Mann Patel
Newtown Campus Liaison
Anthony Semidey
Morgan Hangey
Constitution Councilors Elections and Voting Executive Board