Security and Safety
In an Emergency
If you think someone’s life or property is in danger, you should DIAL 911 immediately. Once emergency services have been alerted, contact College Security & Safety at 215-968-8911 or ext. 8911 from any campus phone.

Security & Safety
We have an office staffed by trained officers who patrol campus buildings and grounds on a 24-hour-daily basis provides security and safety to the College community. Security and Safety officers render services that include motor vehicle registration and assistance, traffic control, routine campus-wide safety checks, and emergency assistance, as well as acting as sources for directional and general information.
The Office of Security and Safety is located in Cottage IV and can be contacted by phone at 215-968-8911 or email
Non-Emergency Contact
Security & Safety
215-968-8911 or ext. 8911 from any campus phone
Sign up for Emergency Alerts
Text "Bucks" to 79516 to receive emergency alerts direct to your mobile device.
Request a Walking Escort
If you are walking alone on campus, call 215-968-8911 to request a security & safety escort.
The Annual Security Report required by the College and the University Security Information Act of Pennsylvania and the "Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act" of the Federal Government is available online, at the Office of Security and Safety, and at other campus locations.