Honors@Bucks Admission Requirements
A student must be admitted to a Bucks associate-degree program and submit the Honors@Bucks application before exhausting need for courses offered in dedicated-honors format.
Recent high-school graduates must have a 3.5-or-higher cumulative high-school GPA, verified by transcript submitted to Bucks' Office of Admissions.
Current Bucks students must have minimum Bucks placement-test scores of Math/5 (or MATH095 completion), Read/3 (or READ110 completion), and Writing/6 (or COMP107 completion), plus a 3.25-or-higher cumulative GPA with at least 8 college-level credits earned in one semester.
Transferring-in students must have minimum Bucks placement-test scores of (or waivers equivalent to) Math/5, Read/3, and Writing/6, plus a 3.25-or-higher cumulative GPA with at least 8 college-level credits earned in one semester, verified by transcript(s) from previously attended institution(s).
Adult students (those five or more years past high-school graduation) must have minimum Bucks placement-test scores of Math/5, Read/3, and Writing/6, plus either a 3.5-or-higher cumulative high-school GPA (verified by transcript submitted to Bucks' Office of Admissions) or a professional letter of recommendation.
High-school enrichment students must have high-school senior status; a cumulative high-school GPA of 3.5 or higher, verified by high-school transcript; minimum Bucks placement-test scores of Math/5, Writing/6, and Read/3; and ability to commence honors coursework by attending and completing at least one dedicated-honors course.
Please note: An accepted Honors@Bucks student must maintain a 3.25-or-higher GPA to stay in the program and preserve the possibility of earning the Honors@Bucks associate degree.