Conference presenters can pick up name badge and program in Rollins 138 (Dining Area next to the Gallagher Room).
Spring 2024 Student Research Conference Speaker Panels
Schedule At-A-Glance
The Conference is Friday, April 26 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Newtown Campus. All panels will be located in the drop down boxes under the Full Schedule of Events section.
Time | Title | Location |
9-10:15 a.m. | Session I | Grupp Hall |
10:30-11:45 a.m. | Session II | Grupp Hall |
Noon to 1:15 p.m. | Session III | Grupp Hall |
Full Schedule of Events
Check-in – All Day
GUID101 Fields of Opportunity Research Displays – All Day
Displays are located on the “wavy wall” outside of the Gallagher Room.
SRC Hub – All Day
Snacks and drinks are provided for presenters all day in Rollins 138 (Dining Area next to Gallagher Room).
Session I — 9-10:15 a.m.
Panel 1 Topics—GRUPP 257
Moderator: John Petito
- Chieftain Coacoochee
- The Trial of John Peter Zenger
- Washington Crossing
- Cesar Chavez and The Delano Grape Boycott
- Obergefell vs. Hodges
- Lilli Vincenz
- The History of FBI Criminal Profiling
- The Great Depression
- Proposal to Ban Animal Cruelty on Farm Animals in Pennsylvania
- Proposal to Ban Chick Culling in Interstate Commerce
Panel 2 Topics—GRUPP 210
Moderator: Wilma Starr
- In-Depth Study of "Shiloh"
- The Power of Fear Illustrated in "The Fall of the House of Usher"
- Oral Language and Early Reading
- Class Division in Parasite
- Reminiscing through Diane Seuss
- The Future with A.I.
Panel 3 Topics—GRUPP 212
Moderator: Charlie Groth
- How the COVID-19 Pandemic Altered Workplace Motivation
- Anesthesiology in Dentistry
- Application of the Survey Research Method to Sociocultural Differences
- The U.S.'s Need for Gun Control
- The Experience of a Lesbian Elder
- Health Science Field
- Cystitis and Macrobid
Panel 4 Topics—GRUPP 216
Moderator: Randi Wall
- The Effect of Climate Change on Ocean Properties
- Caffeine Extraction from Tea
- Talking about Lyme Disease: What It Is and the Human Side of It
- The Impact of Temperature on the Growth and Diversity of Soil Microbes
- Research on the Stream Health of the Neshaminy Creek
- Open-Source Software
Session II — 10:30-11:45 a.m.
Panel 1 Topics—GRUPP 257
Moderator: John Petito
- Nuclear Testing at Bikini Atoll
- Japanese War Crimes Forgotten from World War II
- The History of Lobotomies
- The Disney Animator Strike of 1941
- Prison Industrial Complex
- Gender-Neutral Bathrooms
- Maximum Age Limit
- Gender and Why It Matters
- Second-Chance Voting Act: Ex-Felons Fight for Justice
Panel 2 Topics—GRUPP 210
Moderator: Karen Gatewood
- Analysis of Documentary, Three Identical Strangers: The Link Between Behavioral Genetics and Psychology
- Medical Laboratory Technician Case Study: Type 1 Diabetes
- STEM: Iron Deficiency Anemia
- Organized Health Science Panel
- Extraction of Caffeine from Tea
- Pharmaceutical Drug Masking
Panel 3 Topics—GRUPP 212
Moderator: Kate D'Auria
- Promote and Expand BCCC's Current Programs for the Elderly and Explore New Programs
- Why Social-Emotional Learning Belongs in the Classroom
- Enrichment Activities and Children
- PSYC190 Research
- Multicultural Education: How Culture Affects a Student’s Education
- Online School and Socialization
- How Social Class Affects College Students
Panel 4 Topics—GRUPP 216
Moderator: Jackie Burger
- The Role of Mental Illness in Truman Capote's "Miriam"
- Toxic Relationships in Media
- Diane Seuss's Frank: Sonnets
- Sociological Analysis of Diane Seuss's Frank: Sonnets
- Maternal Echos In Diane Seuss's Frank: Sonnets
- The Emotional Exploration of Diane Seuss’s Frank: Sonnets
- Religious and Traditional Symbolism in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Klara and the Sun
- Mirroring the World in Kazuo Ishiguro's Klara and the Sun
Panel 5 Topics—GRUPP 218
Moderator: Samantha Gross
- Obstacles Veterans Have Faced in Adjusting to Civilian Life
- Prison, Socialization, and Stigma
- The Impact of Family Dynamics on Teen Drug Addiction
- Impact of Disease on Family Members
- Effects of Divorce
- Why Is Online Dating Better than Conventional Dating?
Session III — Noon to 1:15 p.m.
Panel 1 Topics—GRUPP 210
Moderator: Aaron Burger
- Parallel RLC Circuit and Series RLC Circuit
- Modular Synthesis Circuitry Fundamentals
- Capacitor Circuits
- Damping in Math and Physics: What Is It and Why Is It Necessary?
- Role Electromagetism in Renewable Energy
- Use of Superconductors in Computing
- Plasma Confinement
- Electric Current through and with Magnets
- Accelerated Electric Field Simulation of Point Sources through GPU Processing
- National Havoc Robot League (NHRL): Robot Combat Build
- The Influence of a Dredge Hole on Tidal Asymmetry and Salinity Structure in the Mullica River Estuary
Panel 2 Topics—GRUPP 212
Moderator: Nicole Tracey
- Recent Book Banning in CBSD
- Analysis of Gender in Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
- The Newsboys Strike of 1899
- Ban Veal in Pennsylvania
- The Impact of Childhood Divorce in Adults
- Self Discovery through Feminine Symbolism in Frank: Sonnets
- How Diane Seuss in Frank: Sonnets Creates an Open Environment on Addiction, Death, and Illness
- Artificial Intelligence in Kazuo Ishiguro's Klara and the Sun
- Religion in Kazuo Ishiguro's Novel, Klara and the Sun
Panel 3 Topics—GRUPP 216
Moderator: Ryan Fealy
- Chemistry in Veterinary Science
- Electrochemical Biosensors on Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease
- Deaf and ASL Humor
- Programming Chess in Java
- Health at Every Size
- Transgender Judaism
- Hypertension
- Multicultural Metacognition