Edward J. Tokmajian Jr.
Edward J. Tokmajian Jr. has been a dedicated resident of Bensalem and Bucks County for approximately 40 years. He has held various roles in public service, including serving as an Auditor for Bensalem Township from 1999 to 2007 and on the Bensalem Council from 2018 to 2021. He currently serves as the Chair of the Bucks County Planning Commission and was appointed to the Bucks County Community College’s Board of Trustees in 2024.
A proud Bucks County Community College graduate, Edward received the prestigious President's Cup and was part of the international championship SIFE (Students In Free Enterprise) team. He went on to earn a bachelor's degree in business management from Rider University and an MBA from Holy Family University.
Professionally, Edward is the Associate Director of Finance for a large pharmaceutical company. He is also committed to mentoring veterans and supporting their career transitions through his work with the American Corporate Partners organization. Edward is married with two children and enjoys traveling and spending time with his two grandchildren in his spare time.